Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Long and the Short of It

In a fascinating display of synchronicity (I'm not really sure if it is truly synchronicitous or not, but I really love that word), both the longest and the shortest short stories I have written to date recently got accepted for publication within days of each other.

My long short story, "Uncle Brick and Jimmy Kills," weighing in at roughly nine thousand words, will be featured in the summer, 2009 issue of Mysterical-E. This is the longest thing I have ever penned (Or keyboarded, if you're really a stickler for accuracy) if you exclude my three novels.

I had almost given up on anyone except my loyal circle of readers (Hereafter referred to as my loving family, or Those Who Don't Have A Choice In The Matter), ever seeing this story, simply because of its length. Most print and online short-story venues have upper limits of anywhere from 3500 to 6000 words, meaning that when I wrote it, my verbosity nearly doomed "Uncle Brick and Jimmy Kills" to the very same Island of Inactivity in which my novels currently reside, despite the fact that it really is a good story.

A few days later, I learned that my first and thus far only foray into the murky world of one hundred word flash fiction stories, "Ned and Helen," at a lean and mean ninety-five words, will be featured in the February 16 issue of FlashShot. If you've ever scuffled with your spouse over the television remote - and who hasn't? - you will want to check out this story. At least I hope you will. After all, what have you got to lose but maybe thirty seconds of your time?

I've discovered that all of the stuff I write, whether a 95,000 word novel or a 95 word flash piece, are like my children. I've birthed them, agonized over them, and eventually set them free to make their way in the world, so I love them all. But I'm particularly happy that these two stories found a home, since I wondered whether either of them ever would.

I'll be bugging you about both of them, as well as my other material, as they get closer to publication, so you can rest easy; I won't let you forget. But I would appreciate it very much if you let me know what you think of them, if you're so inclined, when they come out. Thanks for reading!

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